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The British Drag Racing Hall of Fame (BDRHoF) is pleased to announce a five figure sponsorship deal with Beech Underwriting. The Beechsupport also covers the use of back-office functions at the company’s head office. This is the biggest BDRHoF sponsorship programme yet negotiated. As well as supporting the efforts of Stu Bradbury and his BDRHoF team so they can continue their celebration of the sport’s history, it is a reflection of the increased interest in the nostalgia drag racing scene as a whole. Suddenly a new energy has entered (or should we say re-entered) the arena and the role of the BDRHoF has been driven to the fore.

But the BDRHoF and Beech Underwriting? Strange bedfellows you might think! How come an underwriting business wants to sponsor the BDRHoF? Well that comes down to Beech Underwriting’s Managing Director Geoff Stilwell who was one of many drag racing fanatics attracted to the sport when Sydney Allard organised the first British International Drag Racing Festival is 1964.

He gradually became involved in the sport working on several cars during the 1970s, and eventually owned and rode a Kawasaki Pro Stock Bike called Cloud Nine that he campaigned alongside Graham and Alan Nash. In the end work commitments meant that he had to retire from the sport in 1983.

These days his global business has meant that he travels to the USA on a regular basis. His interest in drag racing has remained so he always takes in a drag racing event or two on these trips. And he has followed the development of the BDRHoF over the years. Geoff says,

“Without a doubt we need the British Drag Racing Hall of Fame. Spectators and racers need to be reminded that drag racers have some of the most creative minds when it comes to solving technical problems. Years ago I stood in awe of what I saw. That spirit needs to continue and we must not forget those pioneers. I am lucky to be in a position to be able to help continue this important tribute to our heritage. So I’m really pleased to offer Stuart Bradbury and his team of volunteers at the BDRHoF the support to help it realise its true potential and put these amazing achievements under an even more powerful spotlight”.

The deal was sealed at the Runnemede Hotel in Surrey. BDRHoF Chairman Stu Bradbury says,

“I must express our thanks to Geoff. This year has seen tremendous change in the BDRHoF as we increase its profile in the eyes of the media, fans and racers. It has been the first year that the Annual Awards Presentation has been a stand-alone event and Geoff’s injection of financial nitro is going to enable us to do even greater things. It is without doubt the largest single financial package the BDRHoF has received since it was launched in 2006 and with this backing we plan to make the BDRHoF Gala Awards Dinner the most prestigious drag racing social event in Europe”.

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