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Three Generations of Ahten’s Racing take on Woodburn Dragstrip

Woodburn, OR – The smile of a nine year old, the pride of father, and the wisdom of a grandfather all converge on Woodburn Johnny Ahten - courtesy of LLCDragstrip this weekend for the NHRA Regional Race. Owen Ahten, Johnny’s son, is on his first road trip with the Island Renovations / Combust Filters Team. This is a trip of a lifetime for all.

“This is my first time racing at Woodburn and to do it with Owen and my Dad by my side has me super excited,” Johnny Ahten beamed. “We are on a four race western tour. First up is Woodburn, then the Seattle National event followed by the Seattle Regional race, and finishing up with the Regional race in Mission, BC. It seems like it’s been forever since we have been racing, and now we are going to feast on it because we have a bad hot rod. The tune-up is there, the pieces are in place, and we have our act together. Our secret weapon will be having my son Owen with us this weekend. We will feed off his energy and amazement. I can remember going to races with my Dad and now it’s come full circle. Now all we have to do is go out there and race smart and quick,” concluded Ahten.

Joining Al Ahten, Johnny, and Owen in Woodburn are veteran crew members Howard Katano, Bob Ahten, Kevin Colvell and Chuck Costabile. They have all worked hard to make sure the Stump Puller is ready for action after a few months rest.  Never having raced at Woodburn, the weekend’s task will be adjusting to the conditions. The bugs worked out of the motor program during the early months of the season will make it easier.

Qualifying at Woodburn beings at noon on Saturday and racing is on Sunday. For Owen, Johnny, and Al Ahten, there is far too much to take in, but as the sun shines high in sapphire sky, and the Stump Puller keeps on going rounds, the circle of drag racing life will continue.  (Circle of Life- Songwriter Timothy Miles Bindon Rice; Elton John)

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