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Stolen trailer found but still missing 2001 GMC truck

On July 11th,  The Hot Rodders of Tomorrow’s West Coast truck and trailer that housed the tools, parts, and Hot Rodders of Tomorrow - Truckequipment for these competitions was stolen, and on July 19th only the trailer was found  – but it was stripped. It was left abandoned in the Beaumont, California, area with lots of damage and just about everything was stolen except some counters and flooring. July 21st it was brought back to San Jacinto, CA. and is need of repair.

However, the 2001 GMC Topkick C7500 that was used to haul the trailer is still missing, the bright red paint and graphics are a definite standout and would be easily recognized. However, we believe it might already have the graphics stripped off and  been repainted by now. We need everyone to continue to keep a look out for it and spread the word as it will be difficult to replace it. Thank you all.

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