because you want to SEE it

Speed Scene Live – Tonight at 9PM Eastern!

Imagine, a place with your very own “Dream Workshop”, a place with every tool and machine imaginable. A place you can go to and Speed Scenework on whatever you want to. Then, you add a teacher that can show you the ropes. Answer that question or just give you tips on what to do and how to do it. So not only is it a place to work, but also a place to learn. Imagine how great that would be……………….

Now stop dreaming and find out how to make that dream a reality. Speed Scene Live TV will tell you all about a great new place called Vocademy. Vocademy is a place that not only does all that, but they encourage adults and kids in school to learn. Join us every Tuesday night at Speed Scene Live dot com.
We Also have Great footage and interviews from NMCA at Pomona and the Speed Scene Live Nationals at Great Bend. Tune in and see tuesday night just by clicking on ………………

Plus, We have some great racers cell phone pics to share. Send us yours, and we will put it on the show. Dont have a SSL sticker on your ride yet? Let us know and we will mail a couple to you for free.

Hear what is going on at all the tracks around the country, find out about Drag Racing, Off Road Racing, Circle track, Sprint cars, Speedway and Car shows.

Watch the best online Racing TV show and help us celebrate over 10 years of being on the air. Tune it to Speed Scene Live TV at 6:00 to 7:00 Pacific time just by going to
You can even watch it on your phone or other mobile device!

If you miss the live show, visit the site anytime and watch a past show on our archives page.

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