because you want to SEE it

Speed Scene Live Tonight at 9 PM Eastern

Tonight, Join Donnie Couch and Darr Hawthorne as they cover the nitro drag racing scene and more.  They know the inside info Speed Sceneand all the news and rumors that are fit to be heard. You want Nitro? This is the place to go. And you never know who is going to call in on the phone!

Did you see the show with John Force?

Plus, we had the guys from SHRA radio (Southern Hot Rod Association) and we showed a product review and install. We put a set of Hedman Husler Hedders on DianaMites ’66 Nova racecar.

Tuesday night April 29th legendary racer John Force was on Speed Scene Live TV talking about something important and special to him. Youth and Drag racing. He is involved with a event called the High School Drags Challenge. Some lucky high School racer got a chance to race John Force down the track. This event is all about encouraging High School kids to get involved and Speed Scene Live TV is an official media partner.

Check out the live show Tuesday at 6:00 to 7:00 at or if you miss the live show you can visit the site anytime and watch a past show.

Speed Scene Live TV is the only online racing TV show hosted by real drag racers. It is always free and always available on the Internet.

All on Speed Scene Live TV!

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