because you want to SEE it

Speed Scene Live Tonight at 9 Eastern!

Did you see last weeks show with Drag racing legend, Tom the Mongoose McEwen  talking about the upcoming Snake & Mongoose Speed Scenemovie? Drag Racing goes hollywood!
Plus, Brett “Big Swag” Wagner from Passtime joined us in studio to hang out and talk with Tom.
This week, Alex the Car Girl joins us live in studio. She has been working on her Dodge Magnum and has some updates. The
MountainView tire pro stock team has been lending a hand, and Alex will tell you all about it.
Plus, Hot Rod Bob with the Great American Auto Scene and Bryant Layton with the Got ByPass Off Road Report.
Join us every Tuesday night at Speed Scene Live dot com.
We Also have Great footage and interviews from NMCA at Pomona and the Speed Scene Live Nationals at Great Bend. Tune in and see tuesday night just by clicking on ………………

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