because you want to SEE it


In association with US Automotive, this year’s FIA European Drag Racing Championship Finals is the venue for welcoming the 2013 BDRHOFSticker2012inductees into the British Drag Racing Hall of Fame (BDRHoF). Around 70 invited guests will assemble at a reception that will be held in the VIP Marquee starting at 8.00pm on Saturday evening.

Many existing BDRHoF members will be attending; people who have played key roles in forwarding the sport of drag racing in the UK that started during the late 1950s. They will be celebrating the new inductees – motorcycle drag racer Brian Chapman and NDRC pioneers Keith and Frances Parker. Most will be attending the race meeting during the day so those of you collecting autographs keep an eye out.

Brian Taylor will compere the event, John Price will introduce existing members of the BDRHoF, Keith Lee will read out the citation for Brian Chapman and Phil Evans will read the citation for Keith and Frances Parker. Kaz Aston will be interviewing people for Nitro FM so those not invited can catch up via the Internet.

Chairman of the BDRHoF Stu Bradbury says, “This is the first time the BDRHoF annual presentations has been a stand-alone event. Since its creation it has been a regular feature in the joint club awards evening and we thank them for hosting us over the years. But we felt we had to take the BDRHoF to the next level and this move is the latest step along that path. I must thank our sponsors, US Automotive, Santa Pod Racers Club, York Raceway, Pennine Drag Racing Club, Shakespeare County Raceway, Avon Park International Racers Association, Power Race Graphics, and Santa Pod Raceway. Without them the BDRHoF could not exist.”

Details about the BDRHoF available from

Contact Brian Taylor, Acting Press Officer,

Tel 01395 579733

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